Finding your wedding dream team starts here! Search local wedding vendors in La Crosse and Southwest Wisconsin from the best ceremony & reception wedding venues and area bridal & formal wear shops to talented photographers, videographers, stationers, and event designers...and of course delicious catering, wedding cakes & unique dessert ideas. Tell them you found them on

AliLou Events is a small mom-daughter business that wants every bride, groom, or party host to have the event of their dreams! It brings us such joy when people see their ideas come to life! Our rental concept is a little different - you pick up our décor, use it as you like, and bring it back in the same or better condition. We love to shop for bargains and want to share our collection with others!
[email protected]

20244 W Mill Road
Galesville, Wisconsin
United States

AliLou Events | Profile Portfolio: AliLou Events

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